Health Care Worker series: Janelle, Geraniums & Crocus
Health Care Worker series: Janelle, Geraniums & Crocus

watercolor, gouache, color pencils, adobe photoshop

Health Care Worker series: Sianna, Poppies & Larkspur
Health Care Worker series: Sianna, Poppies & Larkspur

watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, adobe photoshop

Portrait of a Strong Nanay
Portrait of a Strong Nanay

watercolor, gouache, colored pencil, adobe photoshop

May Rides the Bus to School
May Rides the Bus to School

watercolor, colored pencils, photoshop

May - Outfits
May - Outfits

watercolor, colored pencils, photoshop

Mama & Mommy
Mama & Mommy

watercolor, colored pencils, photoshop

Weird, But Good: She sounds cool to me.
Weird, But Good: She sounds cool to me.

watercolor, gouache, prisma colored pencils, photoshop

Weird, But Good: Bus Stop
Weird, But Good: Bus Stop

watercolor, gouache, prisma colored pencils, photoshop

Weird, But Good: Oh! I love ninjas!
Weird, But Good: Oh! I love ninjas!

watercolor, gouache, prisma colored pencils, photoshop, indesign

Love Birds
Love Birds

watercolor, gouache, prisma colored pencils

Summertime Flights of Imagination: Pretending
Summertime Flights of Imagination: Pretending

watercolor, gouache

Summertime Flights of Imagination: Reading
Summertime Flights of Imagination: Reading

watercolor, gouache

Bulbasaur Evolution fanart
Bulbasaur Evolution fanart

watercolor, colored pencils

Charmander Evolution fanart
Charmander Evolution fanart

watercolor, colored pencils

Squirtle Evolution fanart
Squirtle Evolution fanart

watercolor, colored pencils

Static Cling Valentine
Static Cling Valentine

graphite pencil, watercolor, colored pencils

Bijou & Panda
Bijou & Panda

watercolor, colored pencil

Little Red Bunny Cap
Little Red Bunny Cap

watercolor, gouache, pastel, colored pencils

Gem Girl vs. Wookie Poosha
Gem Girl vs. Wookie Poosha

watercolor, gouache, crayons, colored pencils, pastels

The Gigantic Turnip
The Gigantic Turnip

watercolor, colored pencils, pastels, adobe photoshop

The Cat Called the Mouse
The Cat Called the Mouse

watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, photoshop

The Gigantic Turnip - Cover
The Gigantic Turnip - Cover

watercolor, colored pencils, gouache, adobe photoshop, adobe indesign, adobe illustrator

Rock's Expressions
Rock's Expressions

watercolor, graphite pencil, linen and felt fabric swatches, adobe photoshop

Poses with Rock
Poses with Rock

adobe photoshop, pastel, graphite pencil, linen and felt fabric swatches

April Showers in Florida
April Showers in Florida

watercolor, pastel, graphite pencil, adobe photoshop

crafty ccl business logo
crafty ccl business logo

watercolor, gouache, colored pencil, adobe photoshop

Meowy Christmas
Meowy Christmas

watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, adobe photoshop

Holiday Snow
Holiday Snow

adobe photoshop, graphite pencil, collage, watercolor

9 Dogs Wearing Sweaters
9 Dogs Wearing Sweaters

adobe photoshop

Electric Dreams
Electric Dreams

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor & colored pencil textures

The YEA Girls
The YEA Girls

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

The YEA Girls: MoCCA
The YEA Girls: MoCCA

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

The YEA Girls: Connecticut Art Show
The YEA Girls: Connecticut Art Show

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

The YEA Girls: AnimeNYC
The YEA Girls: AnimeNYC

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

The YEA Girls: AnimeNext
The YEA Girls: AnimeNext

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

Health Care Worker series: Janelle, Geraniums & Crocus
Health Care Worker series: Sianna, Poppies & Larkspur
Portrait of a Strong Nanay
May Rides the Bus to School
May - Outfits
Mama & Mommy
Weird, But Good: She sounds cool to me.
Weird, But Good: Bus Stop
Weird, But Good: Oh! I love ninjas!
Love Birds
Summertime Flights of Imagination: Pretending
Summertime Flights of Imagination: Reading
Bulbasaur Evolution fanart
Charmander Evolution fanart
Squirtle Evolution fanart
Static Cling Valentine
Bijou & Panda
Little Red Bunny Cap
Gem Girl vs. Wookie Poosha
The Gigantic Turnip
The Cat Called the Mouse
The Gigantic Turnip - Cover
Rock's Expressions
Poses with Rock
April Showers in Florida
crafty ccl business logo
Meowy Christmas
Holiday Snow
9 Dogs Wearing Sweaters
Electric Dreams
The YEA Girls
The YEA Girls: MoCCA
The YEA Girls: Connecticut Art Show
The YEA Girls: AnimeNYC
The YEA Girls: AnimeNext
Health Care Worker series: Janelle, Geraniums & Crocus

watercolor, gouache, color pencils, adobe photoshop

Health Care Worker series: Sianna, Poppies & Larkspur

watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, adobe photoshop

Portrait of a Strong Nanay

watercolor, gouache, colored pencil, adobe photoshop

May Rides the Bus to School

watercolor, colored pencils, photoshop

May - Outfits

watercolor, colored pencils, photoshop

Mama & Mommy

watercolor, colored pencils, photoshop

Weird, But Good: She sounds cool to me.

watercolor, gouache, prisma colored pencils, photoshop

Weird, But Good: Bus Stop

watercolor, gouache, prisma colored pencils, photoshop

Weird, But Good: Oh! I love ninjas!

watercolor, gouache, prisma colored pencils, photoshop, indesign

Love Birds

watercolor, gouache, prisma colored pencils

Summertime Flights of Imagination: Pretending

watercolor, gouache

Summertime Flights of Imagination: Reading

watercolor, gouache

Bulbasaur Evolution fanart

watercolor, colored pencils

Charmander Evolution fanart

watercolor, colored pencils

Squirtle Evolution fanart

watercolor, colored pencils

Static Cling Valentine

graphite pencil, watercolor, colored pencils

Bijou & Panda

watercolor, colored pencil

Little Red Bunny Cap

watercolor, gouache, pastel, colored pencils

Gem Girl vs. Wookie Poosha

watercolor, gouache, crayons, colored pencils, pastels

The Gigantic Turnip

watercolor, colored pencils, pastels, adobe photoshop

The Cat Called the Mouse

watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, photoshop

The Gigantic Turnip - Cover

watercolor, colored pencils, gouache, adobe photoshop, adobe indesign, adobe illustrator

Rock's Expressions

watercolor, graphite pencil, linen and felt fabric swatches, adobe photoshop

Poses with Rock

adobe photoshop, pastel, graphite pencil, linen and felt fabric swatches

April Showers in Florida

watercolor, pastel, graphite pencil, adobe photoshop

crafty ccl business logo

watercolor, gouache, colored pencil, adobe photoshop

Meowy Christmas

watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, adobe photoshop

Holiday Snow

adobe photoshop, graphite pencil, collage, watercolor

9 Dogs Wearing Sweaters

adobe photoshop

Electric Dreams

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor & colored pencil textures

The YEA Girls

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

The YEA Girls: MoCCA

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

The YEA Girls: Connecticut Art Show

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

The YEA Girls: AnimeNYC

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

The YEA Girls: AnimeNext

pen & ink, adobe photoshop, watercolor textures

show thumbnails